An earlier request (link at the end) asked for an auto-budgeting feature for expenses that recur less frequently than every budget period. A related, but separate, feature I would like to see is sinking-fund-style budgeting for a planned expense that isn't a recurring expense: things like "I plan to replace my computer next year, and it'll probably cost $X", "we want to go on vacation to such-and-such place year after next, and have a $Y to spend," or "so-and-so is getting married next year, and I want to have $Z to buy a gift". For such a budget, I'd want to be able to see how much the total accumulation will be if this period's budget is copied in every period that doesn't already have a budgeted amount (including zero) for this category (or, if the budget-by-tag/payee feature is implemented, for this line-item more generally). Bonus points if I can set the target date and target amount and have the interface warn if I'm likely to fall short, or if I can set the target date and target amount and have LM calculate how much I should budget each period.