Support using rule condition more than once
Matt Unsworth
Currently, each of the available rule conditions (eg. "Matches payee name" or "In account") can only be used once.
I'd like the option to use the existing AND logic to help classify Payees that contain other variable data in the Payee field. For example, a single payee may include some additional detail depending on the transaction that could be used to help apply different categories. I encounter this with different gas stations or, retail/grocery stores that sell gas, where the payee information varies based on whether I'm paying at the pump, or purchasing something inside.
So something like:
payee contains "QuikTrip" AND payee contains "inside" -> Set payee to QuikTrip, Set Category to "General Merch"
payee contains "QuikTrip" AND payee contains "outside" -> Set payee to QuikTrip, Set Category to "Gasoline"
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