Show Account name instead of type in net worth
As I import more and more accounts I find my self lost in the net worth tab as it groups by ACCOUNT TYPE.
Would be awesome if that would be the account name/display name
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Jen from Lunch Money
[We are cleaning up our feedback board, so you may see a rise in activity on old feature requests that we might have missed before!]
This feature request has already been implemented! Within the Net Worth Tracker, you're able to see data broken down by individual account.
Feel free to re-open a new feature request or contact us at for further assistance. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback!
Marie-Louise Brunet
I agree with this! I have a lot of investment accounts and its hard to tell which one is contributing to my net worth growth or decrease in a way that allows me to take action.
Chad Keck
I definitely like it broken out as Account Type, but I can see the reason/request around showing the account name/display name as well. Perhaps a toggle between the two?