Incorrect spending breakdown totals for twice a month recurring items
Din from Lunch Money
On the Overview page, the totals under the spending breakdown were incorrect in some cases that involved recurring transactions. In some cases the total expected recurring was higher than it should, in other cases the total spend is lower than it should be. Possible cause is that some recurring transactions don't align with the expected date for the recurring items and don't link properly. Unlinking and relinking the transactions from the recurring item, or deleting and recreating them appears to resolve it.
June 26, 2024 - New related information:
For twice-a-month recurring items, only the recurring transaction that matches the instance defined by the "expected billing date" (aka. "anchor date") will show as linked to the recurring item. The second transaction will not automatically link, and when manually linked, will be linked as a separate third instance. The Recurring page will show the first instance with a green checkmark, and the second instance with a yellow clock. If clicking into the recurring item to see the associated recurring transactions, there are 3 instances (one expected, and the two transactions), instead of 2.
How this reflects on the Overview page? If the twice-a-month recurring item is for $100, it will show $200/$300 instead of $200/$200.
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Jen from Lunch Money
This bug has been fixed in #220 ( Thanks for voting!
Jen from Lunch Money
inĀ progress
Jen from Lunch Money