Separate Rollover from Fixed Budget
in progress
Alex Inman
I really like the rollover feature that is available when setting a budget for a month. However, when you set a budget with a rollover, the rollover portion still counts towards the total budget for the month. This makes it so that when saving up for larger expenses (car repairs, home renos, etc), the budgeted amount each months continues to grow and grow and grow and the "Net Budgeted" for the month becomes a large negative value. If the rollover amount didn't actually count to this months budget, then this wouldn't happen. I think this makes sense because the rollover portion of the budget was accounted for in the previous month's budget and therefore should not count towards this month's budget as well. I feel like this could easily be implemented by having a "Rollover" column in the budget view where the amount is not editable but can be toggled on or off for each category.
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Din from Lunch Money
The new budgeting feature completed alpha testing and is now available in the Beta Testing Program, open to both trialing and subscribed users! 🎊
The new Budget page includes improved support and logic for carryover and allocation pools, custom budget periods, zero-based budgeting, and more!
If you have any feedback to share with us, feel free to reach out in the beta testing channel on Discord, or open an in-app feedback ticket via the 'HELP' menu. 🙂
Elijah Estoll
This is the single most annoying thing about Lunch Money's current iteration for me. I could see it going either of two ways: Either there is an initial amount with a fixed rollover where the initial amount does not count toward subsequent monthly budgets (i.e., if I have 12000 initial plus 100 a month, my monthly budgets will be 12100, 12200, 12300, etc. Current iteration in the Overview tab would show a budget of 36600 when time period is set to those three months, but this is clearly nonsensical - budget for that time period should be 12300.)
The other way would be similar to Alex Inman's suggestion.
Jen from Lunch Money
in progress
The new budgeting feature within Lunch Money, which has improved support and logic for carryover, has officially entered alpha testing! Stay tuned for more updates!
Denis Lacasse
This to me is a key aspect that is missing from budgeting. If I am saving for vacations, or healthcare, my monthly budgets get artificially inflated. My only option now is to discontinue using the rollover or have a unusable overall budget
Lauren Kantrovich
!!! I really like the ethos of Lunch Money, but I'm saving up for an apartment and a new car rn and it is very difficult to set saving goals!
Sebastien Gagne
This could also help having negative rollovers if you overspend on budget, I still want to dedicate that 200$ on the budget even if I can't spend anything in that category.
Brandon Hardy
I really like this, it would solve my Yearly Travel budget tracking. I can basically put $1000 a month, anything unused will continue to rollover.
Alex Inman
Doing this could also address the issue of last minute transactions changing the amount that rolls over.
Right now, near the end of November, if I set a budget of $200 + rollover for the month of December and currently have $10 of rollover, then my budget is set to a fixed $210 for December. But if I spend $20 after I set the budget but before December starts, then my December budget is still set to $210 even though it should be updated to be $190.
If the rollover was separated from the fixed budget amount for the month and varied based on the last month's budget/actual then it could properly handle the above scenario without the user having to go in and reset the December budget.