Show Plaid's fetch date on Accounts page
Armin Vosough
Accounts page shows last updated field as when Lunch Money retrieved data from Plaid. This is not very meaningful as the connection between Lunch Money and Plaid is rarely the bottleneck.
Suggest showing "Plaid's last successful fetch" on the main accounts list. This would allow a quick overview of whether Plaid syncing is broken or why a pending transaction may not be in Lunch Money yet.
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Harsh Kumar
Absolutely need this visible on the home page. It could be a simple icon indicating an account is out of sync from Plaid. I've definitely gone a full month wondering why I'm missing transactions only to realize Plaid hasn't received data from my bank.
JP Shipherd
Totally agree with this one! It would be nice to realize there is something not working at a glance rather than finding it buried under the account details.
Maybe add a new column "Last Bank Update" on the Accounts Page? Or possibly set the "Status" column to yellow when clicking on the Account Details would result in a message like the one in the screenshot?