Variable Recurring Item Amounts
The ability to not update the 'Amount' field of all Recurring Transactions of the same Merchant whenever one of the Amount fields is changed to a new value.
An example and road block I am find is when projecting my part-time job with biweekly income. If I have more shifts in the first half of the month than the second, I would like to be able to adjust the reccuring transaction to have a higher value for the first paycheck and a lower amount for the second, to bring the Projected to Earn value to a more accurate figure.
I'm sure there's other use cases where this would be helpful, but combined the fact that Rules exist for flucuating income, I was surprised this wasnt possible.
A workaround that I can use is estimate my total income for the month, divide it by how many paychecks that month and use that value in the Recurring transactions. Then, once the tranaction is Posted, modify the number to reflect my pay.
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