The csv import from my bank is not separating the payee from additional information.
Things looks like "credit card payment 03/04 Uber Ltd blablabla...". Dates, inflows and outflows exists in separates columns. So no issues there.
But for the payee, problem is that as the payee column is mandatory to imports transactions.
Sadly, the only information I can dedice to match with it are this types of data ("Credit cart payment 03/04 Uber ltd blablabla".
I would like to add thsoe to notes instead, and to precise the payee after import.
A match with the notes column is possible. But I do that, I do not have enough column in my csv file to match the mandatory ones of Lunch Money csv import feature.
If I go with a match with the payee one, then the system will eventually (when importing) pollute my payee list, as well as import really messy transactions.
I'm stuck.
In the YNAB import, as an example, you can decide to feed only notes or payee.
My (French) bank Arkea Direct Bank Fortuneo is still not supported by Plaid, I cannot then import my transactions automatically.
Neither can I import them through CSV as I just explained.
I must not be the only one. Maybe just the first telling you that.
This eventually means that I can just enter transactions in Lunch money by typing them manually.
I was ok to import a CSV, but not to enter my transactions manually. I'm stuck then.
I was just one click away from switching from YNAB to Lunch Money. I refrein myself then.
Hoping you take that into consideration for later releases.
I'd love to join in a near future.