When I'm creating a rule, as soon as I select "Link to recurring item" from the dropdown the page crashes with the below error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'disabled')
at main.bundle.js:3:117805
at ni (main.bundle.js:3:85508)
at ri (main.bundle.js:3:85685)
at Fs (main.bundle.js:3:117774)
at t.getAutoControlledStateFromProps (main.bundle.js:3:129757)
at t.getDerivedStateFromProps (main.bundle.js:3:67286)
at mo (main.bundle.js:341:48334)
at bo (main.bundle.js:341:50046)
at zi (main.bundle.js:341:68678)
at Bl (main.bundle.js:341:112369)
I'm seeing this same behavior on both the Transactions page, creating a rule by clicking on a transaction, as well as from the Rules page, Add New Rule.