Recurring Transactions disappear if you leave the anchor date empty
Ismael Arenzana
When editing my recurring transactions, I removed the anchor date for the transaction. When I saved the edition to the recurring transaction, LunchMoney doesn't show any recurring items (I know I have around 30). When I go to Suggested Recurring Items, I can add one but when I save it doesn't show up.
I think saving an item with an empty expected date makes the query fail for the user. Is it possible?
Under transactions, I can still see transactions marked as recurring.
I can't really reproduce this because I can't say any recurring transactions. Please let me know, this really affects my use of the product. Thank you!
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Jen from Lunch Money
Thanks for reporting! This bug should be fixed now and disappeared recurring items should re-appear :)
Steven Thewissen
I had this happen to. Removed a anchor date on an existing recurring transaction and now all the overviews of recurring transactions are empty. They are still there as there are still things linked to it, just the overview/edit views for it seem to be broken.