Historical balances in secondary currencies miscalculated using current rate
Din from Lunch Money
On the Net Worth page, balances in supported currencies lead to incorrect totals as they are converted to the primary currency using the current rate as opposed to the historical rate.
If you manually enter a value in another currency for an historical balance, it displays an accurate total at first based on each month's historical rate. Once the page is refreshed, the totals change to use the current rate instead.
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Din from Lunch Money
Historical balances in secondary currencies are now correctly converted to the primary currency at the historical rate.
Thanks for reporting and voting on this bug!
I am currently experiencing this issue as I'm in the process of filling the historical balances of my accounts in the Net Worth Tracker (NWT). This is a MAJOR issue that must be fixed in top priority. Otherwise, with significantly inaccurate values, the benefit of the whole NWT feature (which is absolutely great) is rendered completely useless.